Has Your Child Begun to Show Signs That They Are Teething?


Has your child begun to show signs that they are teething? If so, it is important to help them deal with the sometimes-painful condition. Teething is completely natural in all children, as it is merely the process of teeth sprouting up above the gum line. However, it can often cause discomfort and pain for the child, so various treatment methods should be used. Take note of the following information concerning teething in children:

– Teething can often be seen in the mannerisms of a child, including extra fussiness and irritability, a loss of appetite, or even excessive drooling.

– If symptoms of teething worsen, which includes diarrhea, rashes, or fevers, consult their pediatrician as soon as possible.

– Various tools and methods of treatment can be given to help a teething child, including teething rings, soft music, gauze pads, or even cold spoons gently rubbed against their gum line.

– Never use your finger as a soothing tool on their gums unless it has been cleaned first.

– Avoid teething tablets for children under two, unless given directly under the supervision of their pediatrician.

To schedule an appointment at our office in Crockett, Texas, call LOL Dental & Orthodontics at 936.463.0162 and a member of our team will gladly assist you. Dr. Nieku Manshadi and our entire team look forward to helping your child achieve the successful smile they deserve!